Alfresco vs. Sharepoint

October 18, 2021


When it comes to choosing a cloud architecture to manage document collaboration, businesses have two leading systems: Alfresco and Sharepoint. These platforms provide enterprises with the ability to store, manage, and access documents and files. The purpose of this post is to present a factual comparison of these two platforms, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.


Both Alfresco and Sharepoint offer essential core features. However, Alfresco provides a more versatile and flexible system for customizing features to match business requirements, while Sharepoint has an offer tailored for businesses that already use other Microsoft products. This means that Alfresco supports multiple operating systems, including Linux and Windows servers. On the other hand, Sharepoint users need to have an existing Microsoft environment to implement it.


Pricing is often the critical factor when businesses decide on a cloud solution. Alfresco's pricing strategy involves an open-source Community edition with limited functionalities to entice its audience. However, when a company needs particular features, they'll need to upgrade to the Enterprise Edition. In contrast, Sharepoint operates under Microsoft's subscription-based billing. Thus consultation with a Microsoft Partner might be required to get a tailored pricing plan


Organizations seeking to adopt a new cloud architecture system require seamless integration with their current infrastructure. Sharepoint can easily integrate with other Microsoft products such as Outlook, Word, and Excel, which makes it a convenient option for businesses that already use these programs. Alfresco can integrate with more platforms, including JBoss, WebLogic, and Tomcat servers. They also feature APIs that allow integration with third-party applications.


Alfresco's open-source community version is lightweight, which makes it less dependent on hardware resources. The Enterprise Edition, however, experiences performance issues when handling significant workloads, which can cause delays or crashes. SharePoint, on the other hand, is known for its robustness and can handle larger volumes of workloads without significant issues.

User Interface and User Experience

User interfaces for both systems are relatively easy to navigate. However, Sharepoint borrows its user interface from other Microsoft products, providing familiarity to Windows users. Alfresco provides a modern and intuitive design.


Based on the comparison of Alfresco versus Sharepoint, the decision is unique to each company's requirements. Alfresco provides a more customizable platform and better flexibility, while Sharepoint shines in terms of its degree of integration with Microsoft services.


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